This is what my morning routine looks like…

Morning Ritual
Morning Ritual – Fresh lemon juice in the morning

What does your morning ritual look like? I am sometimes asked…

My morning ritual… That’s why I’m so happy to live in the south… with a blue sky I’m doubly motivated in the morning.

My morning ritual during the weekdays is almost a fixed pattern.

Not because I like regularity, but because it helps me wake up in the morning and start the day. After a shower and the necessary facial retouches ? the first thing I do is squeeze a lemon. I fill this with lukewarm water and drink it in one gulp. The next half hour is devoted to my children (read: breakfast kids, taking them to the bus stop,…).

Once they have left I drink my first cup of tea and eat fruit, alternating with an acai bowl. So I put myself down for half an hour for this. I can really enjoy this moment. Sometimes I turn up the music and go through the news articles of the day… And then it’s time for my first cup of coffee and I go to work… Living in Spain helps, of course. More than 300 days a year I get up with a blue sky.

Being able to perform this morning ritual outside on your terrace is a bliss… During the warm summer months I sometimes get up an hour earlier to enjoy the morning outside… wonderful to see how everything and everyone wakes up.

During the weekend we sometimes drive with the family to the sea on Sunday morning to go for a 5 km jog along the beach and the avocado trees. I try to swim for an hour in the morning several times a week and there is also yoga on the program.

How do I combine all that with work and family?

Organize, make agreements with my husband about who will do what so that we both have time to exercise or relax. But very important is that you do not oblige yourself. The more you commit yourself to doing something, the less happens. Keep it achievable and fun. If you don’t like to walk, go for a walk. Make sure you get enough exercise, even if it means walking up and down your stairs every half hour. On the page of my step-by-step plan you will find some tips that can help you on your way. Try to enjoy every new day ❤️

This is what my morning routine looks like... 4

On this page you will find some my breakfast recipes.

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